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Road Rash 2

2 AJPA-AAFG Игрок A начинает на уровне 2
3 ANPA-AAFG Игрок A начинает на уровне 3
4 ATPA-AAFG Игрок A начинает на уровне 4
5 AYPA-AAFG Игрок A начинает на уровне 5
6 AJPT-AAGC Игрок B начинает на уровне 2
7 ANPT-AAGC Игрок B начинает на уровне 3
8 ATPT-AAGC Игрок B начинает на уровне 4
9 AYPT-AAGC Игрок B начинает на уровне 5
10 8TPA-ACGL Игрок A начинает с ,000, вместо ,000
11 7APA-AGGL Игрок A начинает с ,000
12 2TPA-AWGL Игрок A начинает с ,000
13 VAPA-BGGL Игрок A начинает с ,000
14 AAPA-AAGL Игрок A начинает без денег
15 8TPT-ACHG Игрок B начинает с ,000,вместо ,000
16 7APT-AGHG Игрок B начинает с ,000
17 2TPT-AWHG Игрок B начинает с ,000
18 VAPT-BGHG Игрок B начинает с ,000
19 AAPT-AAHG Игрок B начинает без денег
20 AEPA-AAGW Игрок A начинает с мотоциклом Panda 600, вместо Shuriken 400
21 AJPA-AAGW Игрок A начинает с мотоциклом Bonzai 750
22 ANPA-AAGW Игрок A начинает с мотоциклом Kamikaze 750
23 ATPA-AAGW Игрок A начинает с мотоциклом Shuriken 1000
24 AYPA-AAGW Игрок A начинает с мотоциклом Ferruci 850
25 A2PA-AAGW Игрок A начинает с мотоциклом Panda 750
26 A6PA-AAGW Игрок A начинает с мотоциклом Diablo 1000
27 AEPT-AAHR Игрок B начинает с мотоциклом Panda 600, вместо Shuriken 400
28 AJPT-AAHR Игрок B начинает с мотоциклом Bonzai 750
29 ANPT-AAHR Игрок B начинает с мотоциклом Kamikaze 750
30 ATPT-AAHR Игрок B начинает с мотоциклом Shuriken 1000
31 AYPT-AAHR Игрок B начинает с мотоциклом Ferruci 850
32 A2PT-AAHR Игрок B начинает с мотоциклом Panda 750
33 A6PT-AAHR Игрок B начинает с мотоциклом Diablo 1000
34 BDCT-AACA Необходимо финишировать 8-ым или лучше (вместо 4-го) на трассе Sierra Nevada
35 B9CT-AACA Необходимо финишировать 15-ым или лучше на трассе Sierra Nevada
36 BMCT-AA34 Необязательно ехать в гонке Sierra Nevada
37 BDCT-AACT Необходимо финишировать 8-ым или лучше (вместо 4-го) на трассе Pacific Coast
38 B9CT-AACT Необходимо финишировать 15-ым или лучше на трассе Pacific Coast
39 BMCT-AA4L Необязательно ехать в гонке Pacific Coast
40 BDCT-AADA Необходимо финишировать 8-ым или лучше (вместо 4-го) на трассе Redwood Forest
41 B9CT-AADA Необходимо финишировать 15-ым или лучше на трассе Redwood Forest
42 BMCT-AA44 Необязательно ехать в гонке Redwood Forest
43 BDCT-AADT Необходимо финишировать 8-ым или лучше (вместо 4-го) на трассе Palm Desert
44 AEST-AAER Трасса Alaska пройдена - игрок A
45 AEST-AAE0 Трасса Hawaii пройдена - игрок A
46 AEST-AAE8 Трасса Tennessee пройдена - игрок A
47 AEST-AAFG Трасса Arizona пройдена - игрок A
48 AEST-AAFR Трасса Vermont пройдена - игрок A
49 AETA-AAEC Трасса Alaska пройдена - игрок B
50 AETA-AAEL Трасса Hawaii пройдена - игрок B
51 AETA-AAEW Трасса Tennessee пройдена - игрок B
52 AETA-AAE4 Трасса Arizona пройдена - игрок B
53 AETA-AAFC Трасса Vermont пройдена - игрок B
54 AW3T-CA7E Нет урона от удара идущих навстречу машин
55 AW1T-CA56 Нет урона от удара об знаки
56 AW2A-CA6C Нет урона от удара об дерево
57 AXXT-AA4L Бесконечное Нитро
58 ACST-AAF2 Бесплатный Diablo 1000N
59 ACST-AAF0 Бесплатный Banzai 7.11N
60 ACST-AAGC Бесплатный Diablo 1000
61 B9CT-AADT Необходимо финишировать 15-ым или лучше на трассе Palm Desert
62 BMCT-AA5L Необязательно ехать в гонке Palm Desert
63 BDCT-AAEA Необходимо финишировать 8-ым или лучше (вместо 4-го) на трассе Grass Valley
64 B9CT-AAEA Необходимо финишировать 15-ым или лучше на трассе Grass Valley
65 BMCT-AA54 Необязательно ехать в гонке Grass Valley

Еще куча кодов с приколами.

B6ST-AAEG Player 1 starts with Wildthing 2000
(it's the fastest bike in the game)
AJST-ABF8 Start on level 2
ANST-ABF8 Start on level 3
ATST-ABF8 Start on level 4
AYST-ABF8 Start on level 5
A2ST-ABF8 Start on secret level 6 (you get to
race against the cops!)
Track Modifier codes:

(NOTE: A few of these codes may cause the game
to glitch after awhile.)
DR5T-AAXN All tracks have massive jumps!
AC4T-BA5N Tracks have more turns
AC5T-AA1N All tracks are straight
AL3T-AAKN Tracks have no hills
AC3T-AA70 All 5 tracks are different
AR3T-AAFY Cool! Try Arizona
DC3T-AJ5T Try this one!
DL3T-AAVY Not as many hills
HR3T-AJXJ 5 more new tracks!
AC3T-AE40 tracks have several small jumps. (These
are not just small hills, but actual
"drop off" type jumps.)
AC5T-AE30 tracks have big jumps
AG3T-AE70 tracks are different
AG3T-AE72 more different tracks
DR5T-AAE2 hardly any hills
AG5T-AE72 moto-cross tracks!
AG3T-AE52 there's a 4 mile long uphill climb
AG4T-AE22 tracks are straight, and no cops!
AC3T-AAG2 jump about 2 miles! (may glitch)
AG5T-AE02 an excellent track modifier code
AG3T-AEZ2 another excellent track modifier code
AL5T-AAP2 more moto-cross tracks
AG5T-AEY2 almost no hills
AG5T-AER2 more different tracks
AL5T-AAN2 different tracks with very small hills
AC5T-AAJ2 big jumps
AC5T-AAG2 a great track changer code
AC5T-AAF2 more moto-x tracks
BW4T-BA6T tracks are straight
AW4T-AJTT super twisty tracks (doesn't glitch)
BL3T-BA7T Alaska track is cool (after 5 mile mark)
AR3T-AAXW all tracks are very different
(Doesn't glitch.)
DO3T-BA3T killer jumps (glitches)
BC5T-AAVN similar to above code
AW5T-AATT huge jumps (Vermont track doesn't glitch)
AW3T-AAWW tracks are VERY different. Plus, when
your on the Alaska track, it plays
Arizona track music. Great code!
(Doesn't glitch.)
BC3T-AAWW similar to above code, but different
CC3T-AAWW similar to above code, but different
BL3T-A4XW tracks are different
BL3T-A4W2 all tracks are perfectly straight
BL3T-A4W6 tracks are different, and have a lot
more traffic, and have little jumps
about every 1/4 mile. (Only works on
some tracks, like Alaska, and ???)
AW3T-AAFT track starts out normal, then at about
1 mile, there's a super sharp turn and
everyone wrecks.
AW4T-AJNW all tracks are 98% straight
AG5T-AE82 tracks are different, with big jumps
(doesn't glitch.)
AW4T-AAFT tracks have large "S" turns
AW5T-AJTW huge jumps (doesn't glitch)
AW3T-AEFW all tracks are really different. A very
good track changer code.
AW5T-AJJW awesome jumps
AW3T-AJKW awesome jumps (Alaska doesn't glitch)
AW5T-AJMW awesome jumps (Arizona doesn't glitch)
AW4T-AAGT track only makes a giant right hand turn
AW3T-AJPW tracks are much different. Another
good track changer code.
AW5T-AJ6Y gigantic jumps
AL3T-ANWY one of the better track changer codes.
Tracks are really different.
AC3T-AEX0 massive jumps (doesn't glitch)
AG4T-AA5T very sharp left hand curves. Also,
being off the pavement doesn't slow
you down.
AL4T-AA5T sharp right hand turns
AR4T-AJ4Y tracks are different
AC4T-AEW0 very windy tracks
AL5T-ANXY Vermont has BIG jumps (doesn't glitch)
A83T-AC7T Alaska track is different, with big
jumps (doesn't glitch)
BR4T-AA5T right hand turns
CC4T-AA5T all left hand turns. Can go full speed
in turns.
AL3T-ANM0 some long straight aways, and some
big jumps.
AC4T-AEY0 very drivable curvy roads. Good code.
E03T-BA3T killer jumps
AR4T-AJYY all tracks are perfectly straight and
have hills.
AC3T-BA5T tracks are different
AC5T-AAXN super big jumps
A03T-AA5W tracks are completely different (doesn't
BW3T-AA3J whoop dee do's everywhere
AG4T-ANL0 very twisty road
A43T-AC3N several small jumps
DC3T-AAXT Vermont track has all left hand turns,
Tennessee track has all right hand turns.
D03T-AAZN Hawaii track has all right hand turns,
Arizona track has all left hand turns.
AC3T-AC70 tracks are different
AL4T-AA6N twisty roads
AW4T-BA5N more twisty roads
AC3T-AEZ0 tracks are different
AR3T-AAXW all tracks are different
AR4T-BA5T all 5 tracks are straight
H43T-AA3N level roads (no hills)
AL3T-ANVY tracks are different
A43T-AA5N super cool jumps
AC3T-AEP0 very good "tracks are different" code
H03T-AA5T great with Tennessee track
A43T-AAVN no hills
AC4T-BA5T Alaska track has all left turns
AC3T-AAPY Alaska track has all right turns. And,
Tennessee track is cool (doesn't glitch).
AW3T-AA5T different - cool
AC4T-BA6N very good "twisty track" code
AC3T-AAZN cool
A83T-AA5T camera angle gets weird towards end of
race. Plus, tracks are different. Race
Alaska, level 5, it's way cool.
AC3T-AAPT very sharp left and right hand turns
AC3T-AAMT different tracks (doesn't glitch)
AC3T-AAPN different tracks (doesn't glitch)
DL3T-AAPT different tracks (doesn't glitch)
DL3T-AAVN no hills
A03T-AAKY no hills until 5 mile mark, then there
is a BIGGIE (glitches on Arizona track).
BL3T-AAMY tracks are different (doesn't glitch)
B83T-AADN Alaska is different (doesn't glitch)
CL3T-AADA Alaska, Hawaii, and Tennessee are all
right (doesn't glitch).
C83T-AAH2 Arizona and Alaska tracks are different
(doesn't glitch).
DG3T-AJ1T good track modifier code
D03T-AJ5J Alaska has "U" shaped right hand turns,
Arizona is different, and Tennessee has
all right hand turns.
ER3T-AT5T Tennessee and Alaska tracks are cool
E02T-AJ5T lots of uphills, and downhills
HW3T-AGXJ most tracks are different
H03T-BA5T Arizona, Alaska, and Tennessee tracks
are cool (Hawaii track glitches).

Misc. ROAD RASH 2 codes:

AWVT-AAHT see thru your rider!! This code makes
it much easier to see on coming traffic.
BL3T-A4WW tracks are different plus, there is a
huge instrument panel on the horizon!
BC3T-A0WW white flashing grass
AG5T-AE52 camera is mounted about 3 feet lower
than normal. (By "camera", I mean your
point of view.)
AG5T-AEX2 camera is mounted much lower

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Категория: Сега | Добавил: Admin (29 Май 2012)
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