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Phantasy Star 4: The End of the Millennium
Внимание! Данные ниже коды должны быть введены только после начала новой игры (New Game) NWFC-YAGW Chaz starts a new game with 100 HP (instead of only 25). 9LFC-YAGW Chaz starts a new game with 250 HP (instead of only 25). 8WFC-YCGW Chaz starts a new game with 500 HP (instead of only 25). GLFC-YAGY Chaz starts a new game with 50 TP (instead of only 10). NRFC-YAGY Chaz starts a new game with 99 TP (instead of only 10). D4FC-YTR0 Chaz starts a new game with 40 Strength (instead of only 8), and 30 Mental (instead of only 6). This code also causes your ATK Power to go up. HWFC-ZA00 Chaz starts a new game with 80 Strength (instead of only 8), and 60 Mental (instead of only 6). This code also causes your ATK Power to go up. DGFC-YGR2 Chaz starts a new game with 35 Agility (instead of only 7), and 25 Dexterity (instead of only 5). This code also causes your DFS Power to go up. GLFC-YN02 Chaz starts a new game with 70 Agility (instead of only 7), and 50 Dexterity (instead of only 5). This code also causes your DFS Power to go up. The 5 codes below work fine (ie. you can keep the equipped items for as long as you want, even after you level-up). ACFC-ZEHJ Chaz starts a new game with the Titanium Sword equipped (instead of the Hunting Knives). ACFC-Y49J Chaz starts a new game with the Guard Sword equipped (instead of the Hunting Knives). ACFC-ZR9J Chaz starts a new game with the Elsydeon equipped (instead of the Hunting Knives). GGFC-ZWHL Chaz starts a new game with the Titanium Helmet and the Ceramic Armor equipped (instead of the Leather Helmet and the Leather Cloth). R0FC-YW1L Chaz starts a new game with the Silver Helmet and the Guard Mail equipped (instead of the Leather Helmet and the Leather Cloth). WCNC-ZEGT Makes Monomate about 3 times stronger. 8CNC-ZEGT + 8CNC-YJGW Makes Monomate about 10 times stronger! At the start of the game, I was recovering about 480 HP with this code! 98NC-YLGW Makes Monomate restore at least 260 HP on EVERYONE in your party! 98NC-ZEGT + 98NC-YLGW Makes Monomate restore at least 500 HP on EVERYONE in your party!! GCNC-YLHJ Makes Dimate work on EVERYONE in your party! (instead of just one member.) 98NC-YLHJ Makes Dimate work on EVERYONE in your party, and makes it much stronger! ACNW-YLAY Makes Antidote work on EVERYONE in your Party (instead of just one member). ACNW-YLBL Makes Cure-Paral work on EVERYONE in your party (instead of just one member). 98NC-Z99E Money code. Go to any shop that sells Monomate, buy Monomate (with the code turned OFF) for , then turn the code ON and sell the Monomate back for ,767! ACNC-YAH4 Dimate is free (instead of 0 meseta). ACNW-YABG Antidote is free (instead of meseta). ACNW-YAB6 Cure-Paral is free (instead of 0 meseta). ACNW-YAD8 Telepipe is free (instead of 0 meseta). ACNW-YAEY Escapipe is free (instead of meseta). CANC-TRN2 Get 10,000 experience points for every Xanafalgue you kill in battle! This code lets your party level-up fast. CAMW-TRJ2 Get 10,000 experience points for every Monsterfly you kill in battle! This code lets your party level-up fast. CA3W-TRJJ Get 10,000 experience points for every InfantWorm you kill in battle! This code lets your party level-up fast. CARW-TRLJ Get 10,000 experience points for every Zol Slug you kill in battle! This code lets your party level-up fast. (May not work if 2 Zol Slugs fuse together.) CA3C-TRLJ Get 10,000 experience points for every Hungrymole you kill in battle! This code lets your party level-up fast. ECSC-ZEA4 Makes the Earth skill work on ALL emenies (instead of just one). Keep in mind that the Earth skill doesn't always work. 8CRW-ZCBL Makes the Crosscut skill MUCH stronger! LCRW-ZEBL Makes the Crosscut skill work against ALL enemies! (instead of just one enemy.) 8CRW-ZEBL Makes the Crosscut skill work against ALL enemies (instead of just one), and makes it MUCH stronger! 8CRW-ZEDC Makes the Airslash skill MUCH stronger! 8CRW-ZCCW Makes the Vortex skill MUCH stronger! GCRW-ZECW Makes the Vortex skill work against ALL enemies! (instead of just one enemy.) 8CRW-ZECW Makes the Vortex skill work against ALL enemies (instead of just one), and makes it MUCH stronger! 0CRW-ZEBW Makes the Rayblade skill work against ALL enemies! (instead of just one.) 8CRW-ZEBW Makes the Rayblade skill work against ALL enemies (instead of just one), and makes it stronger! LCRC-ZJPC Makes the Res technique stronger! 8CRC-ZJPC Makes the Res technique MUCH stronger! JCRC-ZLPC Makes the Res technique stronger, and it works on EVERYONE in your party!! (instead of just one.) 8CRC-ZLPC Makes the Res technique MUCH stronger, and it works on EVERYONE in your party!! (instead of just one.) 8CRC-ZJPL Makes the GiRes technique MUCH stronger! 8CRC-ZLPL Makes the GiRes technique MUCH stronger, and it works on EVERYONE in your party!! (instead of just one.) 8CRC-ZLPW Makes the NaRes technique work on everyone in your party! (instead of just one person.) 8CRC-ZLP4 Makes the Sar technique MUCH stronger! 8CRC-ZLRC Makes the GiSar technique MUCH stronger! 8CRC-ZLRL Makes the NaSar technique stronger. AGRC-ZEFA The Res technique only uses 1 TP (Technique Point). AGRC-ZEFJ The GiRes technique only uses 1 TP. AGRC-ZEFT The NaRes technique only uses 1 TP. AGRC-ZEF2 The Sar technique only uses 1 TP. AGRC-ZEGA The GiSar technique only uses 1 TP. AGRC-ZEGJ The NaSar technique only uses 1 TP. AGRC-YCDA The MEGID technique only uses 1 TP. AGRC-YCA2 The Tsu technique only uses 1 TP. AGRC-YCBA The GiThu technique only uses 1 TP. AGRC-YCBJ The NaThu technique only uses 1 TP. AGPW-YCHJ The Foi technique only uses 1 TP. AGPW-YCHT The GiFoi technique only uses 1 TP. AGPW-YCH2 The NaFoi technique only uses 1 TP. AGRC-YCBT The Zan technique only uses 1 TP. AGRC-YCB2 The GiZan technique only uses 1 TP. AGRC-YCCA The NaZan technique only uses 1 TP. AGRW-ZLAA The Rever technique only uses 1 TP. VGAT-P8PG Lets you buy the Psyco Wand (for free!) or the Shadow Blade (for ) at the Weapon Shop in the town of Mile. Играй в наши онлайн игры!Поделись с друзьями! | |
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