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Elevator Action
GXEUOUVK - Player 1 has infinite lives AAULNLZA - Player 1 starts with 1 life IAULNLZA - Player 1 starts with 6 lives AAULNLZE - Player 1 starts with 9 lives IEVUULZA - Player 2 starts with 6 lives AEVUULZE - Player 2 starts with 9 lives GASTLPTA - Can only shoot one bullet PESIAYLA + NNUSZNSN - Slower man IESIAYLA + XNUSZNSN - Faster man ZAVTLOAE + VYVTYOEY - Faster bullets GAVTLOAA + KYVTYOEN - Slower bullets GEONGPZA + XNXNGOVN - Faster enemy PEONGPZA + NNXNGOVN - Slower enemy Играй в наши онлайн игры!Поделись с друзьями! | |
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