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Adventures in the Magic Kingdom

LAKUTGTA 'Life' costs less
GAKUTGTE - 'Life' costs more
GAKUYKAA - 'Freeze' costs less
YAKUYKAE - 'Freeze' costs more
IASLAKZA - 'Invincible' costs less
GPSLAKZA - 'Invincible' costs more
TASLPKGA - 'Life Up' costs less
APSLPKGE - 'Life Up' costs more
PEVEIALA - Start with 1 life
TEVEIALA - Start with 6 lives
PEVEIALE - Start with 9 lives
SXKYUOVK - Never lose a life in 'attractions'
NYKULZKU - More 'Freeze' time
AGKULZKL - Less 'Freeze' time
EGSUYXGL - More 'Invincible' time
SZSTGVVK - Infinite candles
EYKVNKXN - Mega-jump
SXKYUOVK - Infinite lives
PAVAZPLA - Start with less energy in attractions
IAVAZPLA - Start with more energy in attractions
PAVAZPLE - Start with even more energy in attractions
SXXNXPVG - Almost infinite energy in attractions
SZSTGVVK - Infinite candles
GXELLXSN + AAXUAXGY All - items for free!

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Swamp Thing
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Alpha Mission
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Starship Hector
Категория: Денди | Добавил: greenkey (15 Фев 2012)
Просмотров: 4915 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0