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Super Mario Bros.

AATOZA - Start players 1 & 2 with 1 life
IATOZA - Start players 1 & 2 with 6 lives
AATOZE - Start players 1 & 2 with 9 lives
VATOLE - Start player 1 with 8 lives and player 2 with 3 lives
SXIOPO - Infinite lives for both players
APZLGK - Super jump from a standing start only
TPZLTG - Super jump from running only
GPZUAG - Super jump from turbo running only
APZLGG - Mega-jump from a ty-6t standing start only
APZLTG - Mega-jump from running only
GAZUAG - Mega-jump from turbo running only
YAZULG - Moon Gravity from a standing start
YAZUIG - Moon Gravity from a running start
YAZUYG - Moon Gravity from turbo running only
OZTLLX + AATLGZ + SZLIVO - Always stay big
YSAOPE + YEAOZA + PEAPYA - Start on World 2
YSAOPE + YEAOZA + ZEAPYA - Start on World 3
YSAOPE + YEAOZA + LEAPYA - Start on World 4
YSAOPE + YEAOZA + GEAPYA - Start on World 5
YSAOPE + YEAOZA + IEAPYA - Start on World 6
YSAOPE + YEAOZA + TEAPYA - Start on World 7
YSAOPE + YEAOZA + YEAPYA - Start on World 8

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Категория: Денди | Добавил: greenkey (10 Мар 2012)
Просмотров: 67221 | Рейтинг: 2.3/3