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Simpsons, The: Bart vs. The Space Mutants

If one code doesn't work, try the other code.

IPKYXUGA / IPUYVUGA - Super-jumping Bart!
ANENPXGU / AYNNIXGU - Slow down timer
AXENPXGL / AZNNIXGL - Speed up timer
PAONAYAA / PAENGYAA - Gain 2 coins for every 1 collected
PAONTNTE / PAOYZNTE - Only 10 coins needed to get an extra life
GXXZZOVK + GXXULEVK / - Buy items for free!

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Категория: Денди | Добавил: greenkey (10 Мар 2012)
Просмотров: 2953 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0