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NYSGLUYN - More energy for player 1
NYVKTUYN - More energy for player 2
YLSGLUYN - Less energy for player 1
YLVKTUYN - Less energy for player 2
NNNGKNYN - More energy for players 1 and 2 after continue
YUNGKNYN - Less energy for players 1 and 2 after continue
AEXLPGAP - No harm from falling
GXXLALOP - No harm from attacks or bad food
AXXLPGAP - More damage done from falling
GEULLLIA - Double energy from food
AEULLLIA + ZKULTUZE - Half energy from food
AAOUOPPA + AASLSPPA - No harm from water

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Категория: Денди | Добавил: greenkey (09 Мар 2012)
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