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Mechanized Attack

SXUNPEVK - Infinite lives
SZUNTOVK - Infinite grenades
SZEYIOVK - Infinite bullets
AEVOAPLA - Reduce damage by half
EZOKIAXZ + PAOKTAAA + KANKPEVE - Start with only 1 life
EZOKIAXZ + TAOKTAAA + KANKPEVE - Start with 6 lives
EZOKIAXZ + PAOKTAAE + KANKPEVE - Start with 9 lives
EZOKIAXZ + AAOKTAAA + KANKTEVE - Start with only 1 magazine
EZOKIAXZ + YAOKTAAA + KANKTEVE - Start with 8 magazines
GPONAOAZ + GPEYLEAZ - Magazine holds only half normal amount of bullets
after first magazine used
EZOKIAXZ + PAOKTAAA + KEEGZEVE - Start with only 1 grenade
EZOKIAXZ + AAOKTAAE + KEEGZEVE - Start with 8 grenades

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Категория: Денди | Добавил: greenkey (08 Мар 2012)
Просмотров: 1595 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0