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Little Samson

AOKTPSAE - Increase Samson's energy gauge
AOKTZSAE - Increase Kikira's energy gauge
AXKTLIAP - Increase Gamm's energy gauge
AOKTGIGA - Increase K.O.'s energy gauge
Use the next four codes with the first four codes
AOKTISAE - Increase Samson's energy
AOKTTSAE - Increase Kikira's energy
AXKTYIAP - Increase Gamm's energy
AOKVAIGA - Increase K.O.'s energy
GZVEPXSN - Infinite energy
AAUZEZGE - Crystal ball adds 4 units to energy gauge
AESXVPZE - Small hearts give 4 energy units
GXOVAGVG - Infinite heroes

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Категория: Денди | Добавил: greenkey (07 Мар 2012)
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