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Heavy Barrel

ENSTPVSN - Autofire for player 1
EYNVINSN - Autofire for player 2
AEKVXLII - Hand weapons last 4 times longer
ZAOVEPAA - Only 1 hand weapon
ENVVKLEI - Infinite hand weapons on pick-up for players 1 and 2
OXVVVLVS - Infinite hand weapons and firearms on pick-up for players 1 and 2
XVKZVEXK - Enemies don't fire handguns
XTOVVEXK - Become invisible and invincible!

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Категория: Денди | Добавил: greenkey (26 Фев 2012)
Просмотров: 2654 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0