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King's Bounty

2 NWWT-EAFW - Start with days left at 100
3 7CWT-EGFW - Start with days left at 1,000
4 5WWT-ELFW - Start with days left at 1,500
5 4CWT-ERFW - Start with days left at 2,000
6 VCWT-FGFW - Start with days left at 5,000
7 LCWT-FEM6 - Start with leadership at 50 for Sir Crimsaun
8 LCWT-E0X6 - Start with leadership at 75 for Sir Crimsaun
9 LCWT-F456 - Start with leadership at 125 for Sir Crimsaun
10 LCWT-FPD6 - Start with leadership at 150 for Sir Crimsaun
11 LCWT-EVX6 - Start with leadership at 200 for Sir Crimsaun
12 LCWT-FZ56 - Start with leadership at 250 for Sir Crimsaun
13 ACWT-EAET - Start with commission at 0 for Sir Crimsaun
14 NWWT-EAET- Start with commission at 100 for Sir Crimsaun
15 8WWT-ECET - Start with commission at 500 for Sir Crimsaun
16 4CWT-ERET - Start with commission at 2,000 for Sir Crimsaun
17 VCWT-FGET - Start with commission at 5,000 for Sir Crimsaun
18 CCWT-ERNT - Start with commission at 10,000 for Sir Crimsaun
19 ECWT-E6YT - Start with commission at 20,000 for Sir Crimsaun
20 JCWT-F3ET - Start with commission at 40,000 for Sir Crimsaun
21 7CWT-F56T - Start with commission at 65,000 for SirCrimsaun
22 ACWT-EAEJ - Start with gold at 0 for Sir Crimsaun
23 7CWT-EGEJ - Start with gold at 1,000 for Sir Crimsaun
24 1CWT-E0EJ - Start with gold at 3,000 for Sir Crimsaun
25 VCWT-FGEJ - Start with gold at 5,000 for Sir Crimsaun
26 ECWT-E6YJ - Start with gold at 20,000 for Sir Crimsaun
27 JCWT-F3EJ - Start with gold at 40,000 for Sir Crimsaun
28 7CWT-F56J - Start with gold at 65,000 for Sir Crimsaun
29 ARWT-EAEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 0 for Sir Crimsaun
30 ARWT-ECEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 1 for Sir Crimsaun
31 ARWT-EJEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 4 for Sir Crimsaun
32 ARWT-EREA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 7 for Sir Crimsaun
33 ARWT-EYEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 10 for Sir Crimsaun
34 ARWT-FJEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 20 for Sir Crimsaun
35 ARWT-FENA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 50 for Sir Crimsaun
36 ARWT-EJ6A - Start with maximum spell capacity at 100 for Sir Crimsaun
37 AGWT-EAEE - Start with spell power at 0 for Sir Crimsaun
38 AGWT-EEEE - Start with spell power at 2 for Sir Crimsaun
39 AGWT-EJEE - Start with spell power at 4 for Sir Crimsaun
40 AGWT-EREE - Start with spell power at 7 for Sir Crimsaun
41 AGWT-EYEE - Start with spell power at 10 for Sir Crimsaun
42 AGWT-FJEE - Start with spell power at 20 for Sir Crimsaun
43 AGWT-FENE - Start with spell power at 50 for Sir Crimsaun
44 AGWT-EJ6E - Start with spell power at 100 for Sir Crimsaun
45 GLWT-EJ56 - Start with leadership at 50 for Lord Palmer
46 NWWT-EJ56 - Start with leadership at 100 for Lord Palmer
47 S0WT-EJ56 - Start with leadership at 125 for Lord Palmer
48 W4WT-EJ56 - Start with leadership at 150 for Lord Palmer
49 3CWT-EJ56 - Start with leadership at 200 for Lord Palmer
50 9LWT-EJ56 - Start with leadership at 250 for Lord Palmer
51 ACWT-EAEW - Start with commission at 0 for Lord Palmer
52 NWWT-EAEW - Start with commission at 100 for Lord Palmer
53 8WWT-ECEW - Start with commission at 500 for Lord Palmer
54 4CWT-EREW - Start with commission at 2,000 for Lord Palmer
55 VCWT-FGEW - Start with commission at 5,000 for Lord Palmer
56 CCWT-ERNW - Start with commission at 10,000 for Lord Palmer
57 ECWT-E6YW - Start with commission at 20,000 for Lord Palmer
58 JCWT-F3EW - Start with commission at 40,000 for Lord Palmer
59 7CWT-F56W - Start with commission at 65,000 for Lord Palmer
60 ACWT-EAEL - Start with gold at 0 for Lord Palmer
61 7CWT-EGEL - Start with gold at 1,000 for Lord Palmer
62 1CWT-E0EL - Start with gold at 3,000 for Lord Palmer
63 VCWT-FGEL - Start with gold at 5,000 for Lord Palmer
64 ECWT-E6YL - Start with gold at 20,000 for Lord Palmer
65 JCWT-F3EL - Start with gold at 40,000 for Lord Palmer
66 7CWT-F56L - Start with gold at 65,000 for Lord Palmer
67 ACWT-EEEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 0 for Lord Palmer
68 AGWT-EEEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 1 for Lord Palmer
69 ALWT-EEEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 2 for Lord Palmer
70 A8WT-EEEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 7 for Lord Palmer
71 BLWT-EEEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 10 for Lord Palmer
72 CWWT-EEEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 20 for Lord Palmer
73 GLWT-EEEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 50 for Lord Palmer
74 NWWT-EEEA - Start with maximum spell capacity at 100 for Lord Palmer
75 ACWT-ECEE - Start with spell power at 0 for Lord Palmer
76 ALWT-ECEE - Start with spell power at 2 for Lord Palmer
77 AWWT-ECEE - Start with spell power at 4 for Lord Palmer
78 A8WT-ECEE - Start with spell power at 7 for Lord Palmer
79 BLWT-ECEE - Start with spell power at 10 for Lord Palmer
80 CWWT-ECEE - Start with spell power at 20 for Lord Palmer
81 GLWT-ECEE - Start with spell power at 50 for Lord Palmer
82 NWWT-ECEE - Start with spell power at 100 for Lord Palmer
83 NWWT-FEM8 - Start with leadership at 50 for Tynnestra
84 NWWT-EJ58 - Start with leadership at 100 for Tynnestra
85 NWWT-F458 - Start with leadership at 125 for Tynnestra
86 NWWT-FPD8 - Start with leadership at 150 for Tynnestra
87 NWWT-EVX8 - Start with leadership at 200 for Tynnestra
88 NWWT-FZ58 - Start with leadership at 250 for Tynnestra
89 ACWT-EAEY - Start with commission at 0 for Tynnestra
90 NWWT-EAEY - Start with commission at 100 for Tynnestra
91 8WWT-ECEY - Start with commission at 500 for Tynnestra
92 4CWT-EREY - Start with commission at 2,000 for Tynnestra
93 VCWT-FGEY - Start with commission at 5,000 for Tynnestra
94 CCWT-ERNY - Start with commission at 10,000 for Tynnestra
95 ECWT-E6YY - Start with commission at 20,000 for Tynnestra
96 JCWT-F3EY - Start with commission at 40,000 for Tynnestra
97 7CWT-F56Y - Start with commission at 65,000 for Tynnestra
98 ACWT-EAEN - Start with gold at 0 for Tynnestra
99 7CWT-EGEN - Start with gold at 1,000 for Tynnestra
100 1CWT-E0EN - Start with gold at 3,000 for Tynnestra
101 VCWT-FGEN - Start with gold at 5,000 for Tynnestra
102 ECWT-E6YN - Start with gold at 20,000 for Tynnestra
103 JCWT-F3EN - Start with gold at 40,000 for Tynnestra
104 7CWT-F56N - Start with gold at 65,000 for Tynnestra
105 ALWT-EAEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 0 for Tynnestra
106 ALWT-ECEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 1 for Tynnestra N
107 ALWT-EGEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 3 for Tynnestra
108 ALWT-EREC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 7 for Tynnestra
109 ALWT-EYEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 10 for Tynnestra
110 ALWT-FJEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at Q20 for Tynnestra H
111 ALWT-FENC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 50 for Tynnestra
112 ALWT-EJ6C - Start with maximum spell capacity at 100 for Tynnestra
113 ACWT-EAEG - Start with spell power at 0 for Tynnestra
114 ACWT-ECEG - Start with spell power at 1 for Tynnestra
115 ACWT-EJEG - Start with spell power at 4 for Tynnestra
116 ACWT-EREG - Start with spell power at 7 for Tynnestra
117 ACWT-EYEG - Start with spell power at 10 for Tynnestra
118 ACWT-FJEG - Start with spell power at 20 for Tynnestra
119 ACWT-FENG - Start with spell power at 50 for Tynnestra
120 ACWT-EJ6G - Start with spell power at 100 for Tynnestra
121 GLWT-F2M8 - Start with leadership at 50 for Mad Moham
122 KRWT-F2M8 - Start with leadership at 75 for Mad Moham
123 S0WT-F2M8 - Start with leadership at 125 for Mad Moham
124 W4WT-F2M8 - Start with leadership at 150 for Mad Moham
125 3CWT-F2M8 - Start with leadership at 200 for Mad Moham
126 9LWT-F2M8 - Start with leadership at 250 for Mad Moham
127 ACWT-EAE0 - Start with commission at 0 for Mad Moham
128 NWWT-EAE0 - Start with commission at 100 for Mad Moham
129 8WWT-ECE0 - Start with commission at 500 for Mad Moham
130 7CWT-EGE0 - Start with commission at 1,000 for Mad Moham
131 VCWT-FGE0 - Start with commission at 5,000 for Mad Moham
132 CCWT-ERN0 - Start with commission at 10,000 for Mad Moham
133 ECWT-E6Y0 - Start with commission at 20,000 for Mad Moham
134 JCWT-F3E0 - Start with commission at 40,000 for Mad Moham
135 7CWT-F560 - Start with commission at 65,000 for Mad Moham
136 ACWT-EAER - Start with gold at 0 for Mad Moham
137 7CWT-EGER - Start with gold at 1000 for Mad Moham
138 1CWT-E0ER - Start with gold at 3,000 for Mad Moham
139 VCWT-FGER - Start with gold at 5,000 for Mad Moham
140 ECWT-E6YR - Start with gold at 20,000 for Mad Moham
141 JCWT-F3ER - Start with gold at 40,000 for Mad Moham
142 7CWT-F56R - Start with gold at 65,000 for Mad Moham
143 ACWT-ELEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 0 for Mad Moham
144 AGWT-ELEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at for Mad Moham
145 AWWT-ELEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 4 for Mad Moham
146 A8WT-ELEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 7 for Mad Moham
147 BLWT-ELEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at for Mad Moham
148 CWWT-ELEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 20 for Mad Moham
149 GLWT-ELEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 50 for Mad Moham
150 NWWT-ELEC - Start with maximum spell capacity at 100 for Mad Moham
151 AWWT-EEEG - Start with spell power at 4 for Mad Moham
152 A8WT-EEEG - Start with spell power at 7 for Mad Moham
152 BLWT-EEEG - Start with spell power at 10 for Mad Moham
154 CWWT-EEEG - Start with spell power at 20 for Mad Moham
155 GLWT-EEEG - Start with spell power at 50 for Mad Moham
156 NWWT-EEEG- Start with spell power at 100 for Mad Moham
157 1XYT-BGR2 + AHYT-AAG4 - Always have 1 troop in each army in battle
158 1XYT-BGR2 + CXYT-AAG4 - Always have 20 troops in each army in battle
159 1XYT-BGR2 + GMYT-AAG4 - Always have 50 troops in each army in battle
160 1XYT-BGR2 + NXYT-AAG4 - Always have 100 troops in each army in battle
161 1XYT-BGR2 + 9MYT-AAG4 - Always have 250 troops in each army in battle
162 1XYT-BGR2 + 8XYT-ACG4 - Always have 500 troops in each army in battle
163 2AXT-DCTG - Never lose control of an army
164 AMBA-AA84 - Recruiting does not reduce population of troop dwellings
165 AKWA-CA9Y - Recruitment and boat rental are free
166 RGNA-A6YY - Armies work for free
167 CBCT-AA6T - Never run out of days
168 AJVT-AA4L + AJTA-AA6Y - Accept any password

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Категория: Сега | Добавил: greenkey (09 Апр 2012)
Просмотров: 1958 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0