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Heavy Nova

1 ATHA-AA3N - Infinite energy--player 1
2 ATHA-AA4E - Infinite power--player 1
3 ATJT-AA60 - Infinite energy--player 2 (or computer in a 1-player game)
4 ATJT-AA7R - Infinite power--player 2 (or computer in a 1-player game)
5 AART-ANEA+ AART-ANEG - Limit player 2 (or computer in a 1-player game) to power level 6
6 AART-AJEA+ AART-AJEG - Limit player 2 (or computer in a 1-player game) power level 4
7 AART-AEEA+ AART-AEEG - Limit player 2 (or computer in a 1-player game) to power level 2
8 VA1T-DJTJ+ 2E1T-DCJL - Start computer at low energy level
9 B3AT-AA9R - Infinite time
10 AFAT-AAHJ+ AFAT-AAHW - Run time down at 1/2x normal speed
11 SFAT-BJZW - Run time down at 2x normal speed
12 SFAT-BNZW - Run time down at 3x normal speed
13 SFAT-BTZW - Run time down at 4x normal speed
14 SFAT-BAZW - Run time down at 8x normal speed
15 ATET-AA4W - Infinite continues
16 BE0T-CACJ - 9 continues
17 AE0T-CACJ - 1 continue
18 AA0T-CACJ - No continues

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Категория: Сега | Добавил: greenkey (08 Апр 2012)
Просмотров: 2139 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0