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Little Mermaid, The

AASGATZA - Start with 1 life
IASGATZA - Start with 6 lives
AASGATZE - Start with 9 lives
SZSSPLVG - Infinite lives
GZSILLSA - Keep red pearls after dying
GZSIILSA - Keep green pearls after dying
PAKKGTAA - Start on 2nd stage
ZAKKGTAA - Start on 3rd stage
LAKKGTAA - Start on 4th stage
GAKKGTAA - Start on 5th stage
IAKKGTAA - Start on Ursula stage
LASIZLAA - Get all pearls after dying
LAKKGTAA + ILKKTVOV - Start with all red pearls
LAKKGTAA + TLKKTVOV - Start with all green pearls
PASGGTLA + PAXGAYLA - Start with 1 heart
IASGGTLA + IAXGAYLA - Start with 5 hearts

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Категория: Денди | Добавил: greenkey (07 Мар 2012)
Просмотров: 5320 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0